Sunday, May 24, 2009

HHC Boston @ Brimmer and May

thanks to everyone who came out to support HHC at Brimmer and May School!
Here are a couple photos that our very own Jordan Medeiros snapped before we went onstage.

a few random shots of company members: 
Shelbia | Samm, Amelia, and Ellina | Felisha | Hanna | Gustavo

The company (minus Jordan):

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hip Hop ConnXion Boston wants to welcome:

Tarikh Campbell

Suelin Chen

Valerie Dupre-Estime

Jamie Frankenberg

Janelle Fouché

Adlai Grayson

Nimisha Kashyap

Ellina Kim

Amelia Laughton

Thorn Lim

Kervin Lima

Jordan Medeiros

Felisha Messier

Hanna Pastor

Marque Perkins

Michela Rameau

Stephanie Ramos

Milagros Rodriguez

Eddie Sanchez

Hannah Schon

Erica Sperberg

Daniella Urbina

to the HHC Boston family! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


an afternoon with 
Hip Hop ConnXion Boston!!!
Sunday, May 17th, 2009

Master Class with David Fonseca 
of Hip Hop ConnXion Elite!
Registration 11:30am  Master Class 12:00-1:30pm  $15

followed by

Hip Hop ConnXion Boston Auditions!
Registration 1:30pm  Auditions 2:00pm  FREE

Mass Motion Dance Academy
50 North Beacon Street
Allston, MA